Saturday, December 17, 2005


1. various platform
2. various make systems [clearmake/gmake]
3. Makefile
4. Imakefile
5. Ant script [ how ant is used for build/test]

Imake file is a script written in a language understood by the c preprocessor to generate Makefiles on the fly.


groups Permissions
1. Add the groups to Vob
cleartool protectvob -add_group "groupname" /vobstorage/xyz/vobname.vbs
2. Give r or rw permission to the specific directory and set the group for the directory
cleartool protect -chgrp "group" -chmod 775

Trigger to restrict checkout except by selected developers.

cleartool mktrtype -replace -c "Comment" -elem -preop checkout -nuser user1,user2,user3 -execwin "ccperl -e \exit (1);\"" -execunix "perl -e \"exit (1);\"" co_preop_elem_trigger

cleartool mktrigger -recurse co_preop_elem_trigger

Trigger to set New element permissions

cleartool mktrtype -replace -c "Comment" -elem -postop lnname -execwin "cleartool protect -chmod 770 -chgrp ""%%CLEARCASE_PN%%"" -execunix "cleartool protect -chmod 770 -chgrp ""%%CLEARCASE_PN%%"" postop_lnname_elem_trigger

cleartool find command

cleartool find /vobs/xyz/directory/. -ver 'created_since(26-jun-2005)' -print | xargs cleartool describe -fmt "formating"

Changing mastership of a branch

login to the replica where the branch is mastered.
multitool chmaster -c "comment" dest_replica brtype:branchname